Pick and Fix - Tech Membership for Businesses

Digital Fixers Pick & Fix - The Tech Membership for Businesses

What is it and what’s included?

It’s a monthly membership for your business! (You’re welcome too, of course)

  • Tech Training and help for getting your business found outside of social media
  • Monthly calls for Ask Us Anything, troubleshooting or just to catch up!
  • Fortnightly co-working sessions
  • Training on Email Marketing, Googlies and SEO for every stage
  • Lifetime access to #MonthlyMasterclass content
  • Private FB community with other members


I’ve been in Memberships before…

Not like this you haven’t!!!

Our membership is not just about tech, and it’s not just a woo-woo place for support. It’s really very different to other memberships out there.

And actually, it’s not what we thought it would be when we opened it in the Spring of 2020.

For one, it’s a proper community. A small group of hardworking folk who use the monthly calls to bond with each other, bounce ideas around and share experiences and frustrations.

For another, it’s focussed on getting the tech to help you, but not automate you beyond recognition. We provide trainings on a TON of different software, programs and methods (emailing, funnels, pixels, ads), BUT we’ve found that our members value access to US and each other a lot more.

Some memberships zoom in on having a clear roadmap or pathway (thanks Tribe!), and whilst ours does, the transformation actually comes from knowing that we have your back. Lesley and I are your entire Digital Team, and whilst we can’t do it all FOR you, we can teach you how to do it in the most efficient way.

Take Suz and her pixel, which just wouldn’t bloody install properly, or Laura and her eBook, which wouldn’t format properly, or that time that Jane inadvertently broke about 12 different laws with her email list… Not to mention Babita, whose traffic doubled in a month when she focused on her seo efforts and the same Jane, who (legally, this time) sold her courses over and over again, whilst gaining followers from all over the world.

Our membership meets you where you are; whether you’re ‘pre-revenue’ (ie skint), or about to crack your first 5 figure month, we have a pathway for you.

Our EGGGS strategy focuses on the fundamentals for every business with an online presence who doesn't want to be stuck on the social media hamster wheel; Email Marketing, Googlies and SEO. 

This isn’t for everyone, but it’s for you if;

  • You like people
  • You like your business and you want it to grow
  • You need accountability with support
  • You don’t want another bloody course
  • You want to make tangible progress in the next quarter

And as if you need any more reasons to come and join us, members get discounts on any courses they like, access to completely exclusive content and fortnightly co-working sessions (who knew silent zooms actually worked???).

We are taking all the work we have done 1-2-1 with our clients over the last few years, and we are making it accessible to everyone through a membership program. We will be taking the SEO journeys, the website building, the growth and all the other business basics, and sharing them with our members.

We’ve created a membership programme with the benefits of the shit-hot content we already provide, with accountability and community – no matter where you are in your business.

The idea came from our first membership, where we realised that we didn’t have a clear success path for people and their businesses. Now we’ve helped so many clients get the success and traffic, the knowledge and the steps through 1-2-1 work, and via our courses. But sometimes you just need a bit of one thing and a bit of something else. Like a pick n mix (seriously, it was the best thing about Woolworths, other than the record counter).

I don’t have time for anything else!

We get that, that’s why we’ve reduced your commitment and it’s a pace-yourself kind of thing. Dip in and out of the content and come to the calls when you need a kick up the bum.
Our mission is to actually SAVE you time in the long-run, through helping you automate and simplify your business

Is there a minimum commitment?

There’s no minimum monthly commitment and you can cancel at any time it isn’t right for you.

Also, hopefully you will outgrow Pick and Fix in time – that’s the point! When you do, and you miss us so dreadfully that you cry into your cereal, join us as a 1-1 client!

15 Modules + Community


This is where you should start to get your ducks in a row.

You're here to learn the tech fundamentals BEYOND social media, so that your business can grow organically.

Lunch with Lesley

Every month Lesley goes live in our group, chatting about the stuff we've covered that month or just answering questions that you've asked!

BONUS: Pinterest For Your Business

Pinterest is an amazing tool for your business!

I'll be going through step by step and with a real account as I set everything up from scratch.

Modules for this product 15
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Payment Options

 Pick & Fix monthly membership
 £37.00 GBP  ( then £37.00 GBP a month )
 Pick & Fix annual membership
 £370.00 GBP  ( then £370.00 GBP a year )

How do you want to pay?

Credit/Debit Card
No payment method needed.

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Yes, send me emails, or else how will I know about Pick & Fix things!

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